




your brain on trust: why we’re hardwired to rely on others


1.? for

2.? faith

3.? price

4.? then

5.? when

6.? produces

7.? connect

8.? to

9.? mood

10. counterparts






16. discovered

17. fooled


19.in contrast



text 1



21.who will be most threatened by automation?  

middle-class workers

22.which of the following best represent the author’s view?

issues arising from automation need to be tackled

23.23.education in the age of automation should put more emphasis on____

creative potential

24.the author suggests that tax policies be aimed at____

preventing the income gap from widening

25.in this text, the author presents a problem with______

possible solutions to it




26.according to the paragraphs 1 and 2, many young americans cast doubts on____

social media was a reliable source of news

27.the phrase “beef up”(line 2, para。 2) is closest in meaning to____


28.according to the knight foundation survey, young people_____

verify news by referring to diverse resources

29.the barna survey found that a main cause for the fake news problem is_____

readers’ misinterpretation

30.which of the following would be the best title for the text?

rise in critical skills for sharing news online




31.what is true of the agreement between the nhs and deepmind ?

it failed to pay due attention to patient’s rights

32.the nhs trust responded to denham‘s verdict with

necessary adjustments

33.the author argues in paragraph 2 that________

the value of data comes from the processing of it

34.according to the last paragraph, the real worry arising from this deal is______

the monopoly of big data by tech giants

35.the author‘s attitude toward the application of ai to healthcare is_____





36.the financial problem with the usps is caused partly by

its rigid management

37.according to paragraph 2, the usps fails to modernize itself due to____

the interference from interest groups

38.the long-standing complaint by the usps and its unions can be addressed by____

removing its burden of retiree health care

39.in the last paragraph, the author seems to view legislators with_______


40.which of the following would be the best title for the text?

the postal service needs more than a band-aid



1.?the eisenhower executive office building (eeob) commands a unique position in both our national history and architectural heritage.

2.? the state, war, and navy building, as it was originally known, housed the three executive branch departments(文章已给)

3. the history of the eeob began long before its foundations were laid.

4. in december of 1869, congress appointed a commission to select a site and prepare plans and cost estimates for a new state department building.

5. construction took 17 years as the building slowly rose wing by wing.(文章已给)

6. completed in 1875, the state department’s south wing was the first to be occupied, with its elegant four-story library (completed in 1876), diplomatic reception room, and secretary’s office decorated with carved wood, oriental rugs, and stenciled wall patterns.

7. many of our most celebrated national figures have participated in historical events that have taken place within the eeob’s granite walls.


1.by the date of his birth europe was witnessing the passing of the religious drama, and the creation of new forms under the incentive of classical tragedy and comedy.



2. no boy who went to a grammar school could be ignorant that the drama was a form of literature which gave glory to greece and rome and might yet bring honor to england.


3. but the professional companies prospered in their permanent theaters, and university men with literary ambitions were quick to turn to these theaters as offering a means of livelihood.


  (49) a native literary drama had been created, its alliance with the public playhouses established, and at least some of its great traditions had been begun。


  (50) to realize how great was the dramatic activity, we must remember further that hosts of plays have been lost, and that probably there is no author of note whose entire work has survived.




?? ? ? ? 1.图像展示了一个论题如何选课;困难的仍是简略的?

?? ? ? ? 我认为选择困难的;因为勇于面临困难和关于成功很重要。

?? ? ? ? 的确很重要;真的很重要;黄大年就是极好的比方;所以就要培育年青人勇于面临困难 ? ? ? ? ? 的质量。

? ? ? ? 2. 图像展示了一个论题如何选课;立异的仍是一般的?

?? ? ? ? 我认为选择立异的;因为勇于立异关于成功关于社会打开也很重要。的确很重要;真的? ? ? ? ? 很重要;黄大年就是极好的比方;所以就要培育年青人立异的质量。

? ? ? ? 3. 图像展示了大学生选课这样一个现状。值得咱们重视;跟着教育的打开,咱们享受着? ? ? ? ? ? 许多优点,也在面临着一些应战;自立选课就是其间之一,这样做有利有弊。不过幸? ? ? ? ? ? 好咱们现已重视了,这是一个好的初步。还要专家想办法引导学生。让这个体系愈加? ? ? ? ? ? 完善。明日必定会非常好。

? ? ? ? ? 这只是其间的三个思路而已,还有许多思路都可以用。这次考试真的不太可以跑题。 ? ? ? ? ? ? 真的是翻开式的出题。


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