contend [k?ns thinking is flawed on this point.;vi. 竞争;争夺(for):three armed groups were contending for power.
content [tent] (with)满足的:he had to be content with third place.
context [k?ntekst] n. [c, u] 上下文;语境;背景,环境,来龙去脉:this speech needs to be set in the context of britain in the 1960s.
contest [test] vt./vi. 比赛;竞赛;竞争:three candidates contested the leadership.;n[c]. 比赛;竞赛:to enter/win/lose a contest.
contract [tr?kt] n.[c] 合同;合约;契约:a research contract;vt. 收缩;订立合同:the player is contracted to play until august.
contrast [k?ntr?st] n.[c, u] 差异;对比;对照:there is an obvious contrast between the cultures of east and west.;vt./vi. 对比;对照:the poem contrasts youth and age.
contact [ve been trying to contact you all day.
commerce [k?m?:s] n.[u] 贸易;商业.
comment [k?ment] n.[c, u] 评论;意见:she made helpful comments on my work.;vt./vi. 表达意见:i can comment on their decision.
commence [k?mens] vt. 开始;着手:the meeting is scheduled to commence at noon.;vi. (with) 开始:the day commenced with a welcome from the principal.
commend [k?mend] vt. 推荐;称赞:she was commended on her handling of the situation.
immense [imens] adj. 极大的, 巨大的:the benefits are immense.
immerse [im?:s] vt. 沉浸;使陷入:she immersed herself in her work.
inviting [?nva?t??] adj. 诱人的;吸引人的:the water looks really inviting.
invite [?nva?t] vt. 邀请,招待;招致.
exhaust [iɡz?:st] vt. 使筋疲力尽;耗尽:even a short walk exhausted her.
exhaustive [?gz?st?v] adj. 详尽的;彻底的;全面的:exhaustive research/tests.
exhausted [?ɡz?st?d] adj. 耗尽的;用完的;筋疲力尽的:to feel completely/utterly exhausted.
hinder [ 妨碍:some teachers felt hindered by a lack of resources.
render [ 给予:to render a service to sb.;致使;使变得:to render sth harmless/useless/ineffective. 呈献;提交:the committee was asked to render a report.;表演.
tender [t?nd?] adj. 柔软的;温柔的;脆弱的:this meat is extremely tender. n.[c] 投标;vt. 使…变嫩;提供,偿还:he has tendered his resignation to the prime minister.
gender [d??nd?] n.[c, u] 性;性别;词性:issues of class, race and gender.
slender [sl?nd?] adj. 苗条的;细长的:a glass with a slender stem.
surrender [s?r?nd?] vt./vi. 投降, 放弃:they surrendered their guns to the police. n.[u] 投降;屈服;放弃.
pray [prei] vt./vi. 祈祷;恳求;央求:ill pray for you.
prayer [pre?] n.[c] 恳求;祈祷,祷告:prayers for the sick.
prey [prei] vi. (+on)捕食;掠夺:owls prey on mice.;n. 被捕食的动物;捕食:the lion will often stalk its prey for hours.
spray [sprei] vt./vi. 喷洒;喷射:spray the conditioner onto your wet hair.;n.[c, u] 飞沫;喷剂:a can of insect spray.
pay [pei] vt./vi. 支付;偿还:ill pay for the tickets.;n.[u] 工资;薪水:her job is hard work, but the pay is good.
ellipse [??l?ps] n.[c] 椭圆.
eclipse [iklips] n.[c] 日食;月食;vt. 遮住…的光;使失色:an outstanding performance that eclipsed the previous record.
elapse [il?ps] vi. 时间过去;消逝:many years elapsed before they met again.
collapse [k?l?ps] vi. 倒塌;瓦解;暴跌:the roof collapsed under the weight of snow.;n.[c, u] 失败;倒闭;崩溃;倒塌:the walls were strengthened to protect them from collapse.
lapse [l?ps] n.[c] 失误,过失;疏忽:a lapse of concentration.;vi. 衰退;失效;期满终止:his concentration lapsed after a few minutes.
assemble [?sembl] vt./vi. 聚集;集合;收集;装配;组装:the shelves are easy to assemble.
resemble [rizembl] vt. 像…;类似于:she closely resembles her sister.
evasion [??ve??n] n.[c, u] 规避;逃避;回避;藉口;托辞:his speech was full of evasions.
invasion? [invei??n] n.[c, u] 侵犯;入侵,侵略:an invasion of privacy.
innovation [,in?uvei??n] n.[c, u] 创新;改革;新思想:an age of technological innovation.
simulate [simjuleit] vt. 模仿;假装;冒充:i tried to simulate surprise at the news.
stimulate [stimjuleit] vt. 促进;刺激;激励:parents gave children books that stimulate them.
intrinsic [intrinsik,-k?l] adj. 固有的, 内在的, 本质的:the intrinsic value of education.
eccentric [iksentrik] adj. 古怪的;异乎寻常的:eccentric behaviour/clothes.
intrigue [inin-] vt. 激起…的兴趣;引发…的好奇心;vi. 密谋;n.[c, u] 密谋策划;阴谋.
intricate [intrik?t] adj. 错综复杂的:intricate patterns.
consent [k?nsent] n.[u] 同意;准许;允许:she was chosen as leader by common consent.;vi. 同意;准许;允许:she finally consented to answer our questions.
conceit [k?nsi?t] n.[u] 自负;狂妄;幻想:her conceit about her beauty angered many people.
conceive [k?nsi:v] vt. 想出(主意、计划等);想象;构想;设想:i cannot conceive (= i do not believe) (that) he would wish to harm us.
concert [k?ns?:t] n.[c] 音乐会;演奏会.
concept [t grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.
conceal [k?nsi:l] vt. 隐藏;隐瞒;掩盖:the paintings were concealed beneath a thick layer of plaster.
convert [k?nv?:t] vt./vi. (使)转变,转换,转化:the hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home.
avert [?v?:t] vt. 防止,避免;转移目光:a disaster was narrowly averted.
divert [dais attention away from the economic situation.
invert [ininv?:t] vt. (使)倒转;颠倒;使…反转;倒置:place a plate over the cake tin and invert it.
interval [int?v?l] n.[c] 间隔,间隙,间歇:the day should be mainly dry with sunny intervals.
internal [int?:n?l] adj. 国内的;内部的;内在的:the internal structure of a building.
stain [stein] vt./vi. 沾污;败坏;给…着色:this carpet stains easily.;n.[c] 污点;污渍.
retain [ritein] vt. 保持;持有;保留:the house retains much of its original charm.
strain [strein] n.[c, u] 压力;重负:their marriage is under great strain at the moment.;物理压力;张力:the rope broke under the strain.;vt. 损伤;拉伤;扭伤;vt./vi. 拉紧;尽力;竭力:people were straining to see what was going on.
restrain [ristrein] vt. 抑制,遏制;克制;约束:john managed to restrain his anger.
restraint [ristreint] n. 抑制,遏制;克制;约束:the physical restraint of prisoners.
detain [ditein] vt. 拘留;留住;扣押;耽搁:one man has been detained for questioning.
destination [,destinei??n] n.[c] 目的地;终点:our luggage was checked all the way through to our final destination.
distinction [disti?k??n] n.[c, u] 差别;区别;对比;特质;特点:we need to draw a distinction between the two events.
tongue [t??] n.[c] 舌头;语言:i tried speaking to her in her native tongue.;vt. 舔.
lung [l??] ?n.[c] 肺.
lounge [laund?] n.[c] 休息室;vi. 闲逛;懒洋洋地躺卧.
provide [pr?uvaid] vt. 规定;提供;准备;给予:the report was not expected to provide any answers.
provided [pr?ll buy everything you produce, provided of course the price is right.
strive [straiv] vi. (for/against)努力;奋斗;抗争:striving against corruption.
strife [straif] n.[u] 冲突;争吵;不和:the country was torn apart by strife.
stripe [straip] n.[c] 条纹;线条;种类;类型:shes an educator of a very different stripe.
strike [straik] vt./vi. 撞击;碰撞:the ship struck a rock.;打击;敲击:he struck the table with his fist.;攻击;侵袭;爆发:the area was struck by an outbreak of cholera.;突然想到:an awful thought has just struck me.;n.[c] 罢工;罢课;罢市:a strike by teachers.;袭击;(尤指)空袭:an air strike.;击;打;踢:his spectacular strike in the second half made the score 2–0.
stride [straid] n.[c] 大步;一步(的距离):he crossed the room in two strides.;vt./vi. 跨过;大踏步走过:we strode across the snowy fields.
conscious [s very conscious of the problems involved.;神志清醒的;有知觉的;有意识的:a patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone.
concise [k?nsais] adj. 简明的:a concise summary.
conscience [k?n??ns] n.[c, u] 良心;良知:to have a clear/guilty conscience (= to feel that you have done right/wrong).
compel [k?mpel] vt. 强迫,使不得不:last year ill health compelled his retirement.
compile [k?mpail] vt. 收集;编辑;编制:we’re trying to compile a list of suitable people for the job.
compose [k?mp?uz] vt. 组成,构成:ten men compose the committee.
compress [k?mk?mpres] vt./vi.(被)压紧,压缩:compressed air/gas.
comprise [k?mpraiz] vt. (be comprised of) 包含;由…组成:the committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors.
concern [k?nt concern himself with the details.;n.[c, u] 担心,忧虑:there is growing concern about violence on television.
concerning [k?ns?:ni?] prep. 关于,论及:he asked several questions concerning the future of the company.
barrel [b?r?l] n.[c] 桶;枪管,炮管:they got through two barrels of beer.
barren [b?r?n] adj. 贫瘠的;不生育的;不结果的;无用的:a barren desert.
brick [brik] n.[c, u] 砖块;砖形物:a pile of bricks.;vt. 用砖堵住:the windows had been bricked up.
brisk [brisk] adj. 快的;敏捷的;忙碌的;麻利的:a brisk walk.
prick [prik] vt. 扎;刺;戳:he pricked the balloon and burst it.
captain [k?ptin] n. 船长;队长,首领;上尉.
caption [k?p??n] n. 字幕;标题;说明;vt. 加上说明;加上标题.
capital [k?pit?l] n[c]. 首都,省会;大写字母;资金:to set up a business with a starting capital of £100 000.;adj. 重要的;极好的;大写的:please write in capital letters.
captive [k?ptiv] adj. 被监禁的;被关起来的;被俘虏的:captive animals.
bump [b?mp] vt./vi. 碰撞;撞上:in the dark i bumped into a chair.;n[c]. 碰撞(声);肿块.
bumper [b?mp?] n[c]. 保险杠.
pump [p?mp] n[c]. 泵,抽水机;打气筒;vt./vi. 用抽水机抽;打气;涌出:blood was pumping out of his wound.
flatter [fl?t?] vt. 向…奉承;阿谀;讨好:are you trying to flatter me?
flutter [fl?t?] vt./vi. 飘动;挥动;振(翅):flags fluttered in the breeze.;n[c]. 振动;飘动;挥动:the flutter of wings.
shatter [??t?] vt./vi. 打碎;使散开;粉碎;破坏:he dropped the vase and it shattered into pieces on the floor.
shutter [??t?] n[c]. 百叶窗;(照相机的)快门.
shuttle [??tl] n[c]. 来往于两地之间的航班/火车:a shuttle service between london and edinburgh.;vt./vi. 穿梭往返:her childhood was spent shuttling between her mother and father.
supplement [s?plim?nt] n[c]. 增补(物);补品;增刊;附录;vt. 增补;补充:a diet supplemented with vitamin pills.
settlement [setlm?nt] n[c]. (解决纷争的)协议;[u] 解决;处理;偿还:the settlement of a dispute.
regulation [,reɡjulei??n] n[c]. 章程;规章制度;规则;法规;[u] 管理,控制:the voluntary regulation of the press.;adj. 规定的:in regulation uniform.
reputation [,repjutei??n] n.[c, u] 名誉;名声:to earn/establish/build a reputation.
repetition [rep?t??(?)n] n.[c, u] 重复;重做;重做的事:learning by repetition.
occupation [,?kjupei??n] n[c]. 工作;职业;消遣:please state your name, age and occupation below.
population [,p?pjulei??n] n.人口;(全体)居民.
bullet [bulit] n[c]. 子弹;弹丸:he was killed by a bullet in the head.
bulletin [s health.
ballet [lei] n.[u] 芭蕾舞:she wants to be a ballet dancer.;[c] 芭蕾舞剧.
ballot [b?l?t] n.[c, u] 投票选举;投票表决;选票:she won 58.8% of the ballot.
cope [k?up] vi. (with)处理;对付;竞争:he was able to cope with the stresses and strains of the job.;n. 长袍.
scope [sk?up] n.[u] 眼界;范围;机会,能力:theres still plenty of scope for improvement.
rope [r?up] n.[c, u] 粗绳;线缆;绳索;vt. 用绳子捆;套:i roped the goat to a post.
ripe [raip] adj. 熟的,成熟的;时机成熟的:this land is ripe for development.
grope [ɡr?up] vi. (around/for sth.) 摸索;搜索;搜寻:he groped around in the dark for his other sock.
cape [keip] n[c]. 披肩;披风:a bullfighters cape.;海角;岬:cape horn.
tape [teip] n.[c, u] 磁带;录音带;录像带;n.[u] 胶带;vt./vi. 录音;用带子捆起来:put it in a box and tape it up securely.
council [kauns?l] n. 理事会;议会;委员会:a city/county/borough/district council.
counsel [kauns?l] n.[u] 忠告;讨论;商议:listen to the counsel of your elders.;辩护律师.
console [k?ns?ul] vt. 安慰;抚慰:nothing could console him when his wife died.;n. 控制台.
crisp [krisp] adj. 脆的;易碎的;新鲜的:a crisp apple.;vt./vi.(使)变脆.
crisis [kraisis] n. 危机;决定性时刻;危险期:their marriage has reached crisis point.
critic [kritik] n. 批评家,评论家;爱挑剔的人:a critic of private health care.
critical [s history.
constitute [k?nstitju:t] vt. 被算作;组成;构成:female workers constitute the majority of the labour force.;成立,设立.
constitution [,k?nstitju:??n] n[c]. 宪法;章程:according to the constitution …;体质;体格:to have a healthy/strong/weak constitution;构成;构造:the genetic constitution of cells.
constituent [k?nstitju?nt] n[c]. 选民,选举人;成分;构成要素.
continent [k?ntin?nt] n[c]. 大陆;洲:the continent of africa.
institute [institjut, -tu:t] n[c]. 机构;学会;学院:a research institute.;vt. 建立,制订(体系、政策等);开始;实行:the new management intends to institute a number of changes.
institution [,institju:??n] n[c]. 风俗习惯,制度:the institution of marriage;机构;[u] 建立;设立;制订:the institution of new safety procedures.
substitute [s?bstitju:t, -tu:t] vt./vi. 代替;取代:margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe. = butter can be substituted with margarine in this recipe. (用margarine代替butter).
curb [k?:b] n[c]. 限制措施;抑制:curbs on government spending;路缘;vt. 限制;控制,抑制:he needs to learn to curb his temper.
cure [kju?] vt. 治愈;治疗;加工处理;解决:will you be able to cure him, doctor? n[c]. 治疗;疗程;药物;疗法:the search for a cure for cancer.
curl [k?:l] vt./vi. 卷曲;盘绕:the smoke curled steadily upwards.;n[c]. 鬈发;拳曲;卷状物:a curl of smoke.
principal [prins?p?l] adj. 最重要的;主要的:the principal reason for this omission is lack of time.;n. 负责人,校长.
principle [prins?pl] n[c]. 道德原则;行为准则;原则;原理:he has high moral principles.
desert [dez?t] n.[c, u] 沙漠;荒漠;vt. 舍弃;抛弃,离弃:she was deserted by her husband.
dessert [diz?:t] n.[c, u] (饭后)甜点,甜食.
extensive [ikstensiv] adj. 广阔的;广大的;大量的:the house has extensive grounds.
expansive [?ksp?ns?v] adj.广阔的;辽阔的;浩瀚的:landscape with expansive(=extensive) skies.;可扩大的, 可扩展的(≠extensive).
expensive [ikspensiv] adj. 昂贵的;花钱多的:an expensive car/restaurant/holiday.
intensive [intensiv] adj. 加强的, 集中的, 密集的:two weeks of intensive training.;彻底的:his disappearance has been the subject of intensive investigation.
accent [sent] n. 口音;腔调;重音;重点;强调:in all our products the accent is on quality.
ascent [?sent] n. 上升;登高;上坡路:the first ascent of mount everest.
ascend [?send] vi. 上升;登高:the air became colder as we ascended.
assent [?sent] vi. (+to)赞成;同意:nobody would assent to the terms they proposed.;n.[u] 赞成;同意:the director has given her assent to the proposals.
assert [?s?:t] vt. 断言;主张;声称:she continued to assert her innocence.;维护,坚持.
asset [ll be an asset to the team.
clash [kl??] n[c]. 打斗,打架,冲突;(+with/over)辩论;争执:a head-on clash between the two leaders over education policy.;差异;分歧. vi. 打斗;冲突;比赛:the two teams clash in tomorrowm going to.
crash [kr??] n[c]. 碰撞;碰撞声,破裂声;崩溃;坠落:a car/plane crash.;暴跌;倒闭;破产.;vt./vi. 碰撞;撞击;使发出巨响:thunder crashed overhead.
crush [kr??] vt. 压坏;压碎;(使)变皱:the car was completely crushed under the truck.
clutch [kl?t?] vt./vi. 紧握;抱紧;抓紧:he gasped and clutched his stomach. n[c]. 离合器;一群;一批:hes won a whole clutch of awards.;控制;掌管;紧紧抓住.
disgrace [disɡreis] vt. 使丢脸;使蒙受耻辱;使失势:he had disgraced the family name.;n.[u] 丢脸;耻辱;不光彩:her behaviour has brought disgrace on her family.
disguise [disɡaiz] vt. 假装;掩饰;隐瞒:she made no attempt to disguise her surprise.;n.[c, u] 假扮;装扮;伪装:he is a master of disguise.
disgust [disɡ?st] n.[u] 厌恶;憎恶;反感:i can only feel disgust for these criminals.;vt. 使反感,厌恶:the level of violence in the film really disgusted me.
genius [d?i:nj?s] n.[c, u] 天才;天资;天赋:a mathematical/comic genius.
genuine [d?enjuin] adj. 真实的,真正的;诚恳的:genuine concern for others.
ingenious [ind?i:nj?s] adj. 灵巧的;精巧的;新颖独特的:an ingenious device.
appal (appall) [?p?:l] vt. 使惊骇;使充满恐惧:the brutality of the crime appalled the public.
appeal [?pi:l] n.[c, u] 上诉;申诉;呼吁,恳求:a look of silent appeal.;[u] 吸引力;感染力;vi. 呼吁,恳求:community leaders appealed for calm.;有吸引力;有感染力;上诉;申诉:the company is appealing against the ruling.
appease [?pi?z] vt. 使平息;使满足;安抚:an attempt to appease critics of the regime.
deviate [di:vi?t] vi. (from)背离;偏离;违背:he never deviated from his original plan.
device [divais] n[c]. 装置;仪器;器具;设备:a water-saving device.;手段;策略;方法.
devise [divaiz] vt. 发明;设计;想出:a system has been devised to control traffic in the city.
devote [div?ut] vt. 献身;致力;专心:she devoted herself to her career.
element [elim?nt] n[c]. 要素;基本部分;元素:the story has all the elements of a soap opera.;一群,一伙;基本原理,基础:the elements of map-reading.
elemental [?el?ment(?)l] adj. 自然力的;强大的;基本的;主要的:an elemental truth.
elementary [,eliment?ri] adj. 初级的;基础的:an elementary english course.;基本的;简单的:elementary questions.
exclude [iksklu:d] vt. 排除;排斥;不包括:try excluding fat from your diet.
exclusive [iksklu:siv] adj. 专用的;独家的;专有的:the hotel has exclusive access to the beach.;高档的;豪华的:an exclusive hotel.;n.[u] 独家新闻;独家报道.
casual [k??ju?l] adj. 不经意的;漫不经心的;不在乎的;马虎的;疏忽的:a casual manner.;偶然的;碰巧的:a casual encounter/meeting.
casualty [k??ju?lti] n[c]. 意外事故;伤亡人员;受害者;毁坏物:road casualties.
sufficient [s?fi??nt] adj. 足够的;充足的:these reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban.
insufficient [?ns?f??(?)nt] adj. 不充分的;不足的:his salary is insufficient to meet his needs.
efficient [ifi??nt] adj. 效率高的;有功效的:efficient heating equipment.
inefficient [?n?f??(?)nt] adj. 效率低的;能力差的;浪费的:an inefficient heating system.
deficient [d?f??(?)nt] adj. 有缺点的,有缺陷的;缺乏的;缺少的;不足的:a diet that is deficient in vitamin a.
proficient [pr?m a reasonably proficient driver.
forth [f?:θ] adv. 向前,向外;自…以后(外出):they set forth at dawn.
fourth [f?:θ] num. 第四:thompson is lying in fourth place.
grave [ɡreiv] n[c]. 坟墓;死亡;adj. 严重的;重大的;严峻的;严肃的:he looked very grave as he entered the room.
gravel [gr?v(?)l] n.[u] 沙砾;砾石;石子:a gravel path.
gravity [s law of gravity.;严重性:the gravity of the situation.
gaol [d?e?l] n.[c, u] (=jail) 监狱;监牢;拘留所;vt. 监禁:he was gaoled for murder.
goal [ɡ?ul] n. 球门;目标;目的:to work towards a goal.;进球得分.
gasp [ɡɑ:sp, ɡ?sp] vi. 喘息;喘气(+at/for):she gasped at the wonderful view.;vt./vi. 透不过气;气喘吁吁地说:he came to the surface of the water gasping for air.
grasp [ɡrɑ:sp, ɡr?sp] vt. 抓紧;抓牢;理解;领会:they failed to grasp the importance of his words.;n[c]. 抓紧;抓牢;理解;领会:he has a good grasp of german grammar.
rim [rim] n[c]. 边沿:spectacles with gold rims.
grim [ɡrim] adj. 严肃的;坚定的;阴冷的:a grim face/look/smile;令人不快的;令人沮丧的;凄凉的;糟糕的:grim news.
grin [ɡrin] vt./vi. 露齿而笑;咧着嘴笑:she grinned amiably at us.;n[c]. 露齿而笑:she gave a broad grin.
brim [brim] n[c]. 边沿:two wine glasses, filled to the brim.;vi. (with)盛满:her eyes brimmed with tears.
trim [trim] vt. 修剪;修整:to trim your hair.;剪下,除去(不必要的部分):trim any excess fat off the meat.;装饰,修饰,点缀:gloves trimmed with fur.;n[c]. 修剪:the hedge needs a trim.;[u] 饰物,边饰.
contradictory [k?ntr?d?kt(?)r?] adj. 相互矛盾的;对立的;不一致的:the advice i received was often contradictory.
controversy [k?ntr?,v?:si] n[c]. 争论;论战;辩论:to arouse/cause controversy.
contrary [k?ntr?ri] adj. 相异的;相对立的;相反的:contrary advice
sauce [s?:s] n.[c, u] 调味汁;酱:tomato/cranberry/chilli sauce.
saucer [s?:s?] n[c]. 茶碟;茶托.
sausage [s?:-] n[c]. 香肠;腊肠:beef/pork sausages.
signify [signifai] vt. 表示;说明;预示:the decision signified a radical change in their policies.
magnify [m?ɡnifai] vt. 放大;赞美;夸大:an image magnified by a factor of 4.
unify [ju:nifai] vt. 统一;使相同,使一致:the new leader hopes to unify the country.
sob [s?b] vt./vi. 抽噎;啜泣;哭诉;抽噎着说:‘i hate him,’ she sobbed.;n[c]. 啜泣(声);呜咽(声)
sober [d stay sober tonight.; vt./vi. 使清醒;使严肃:the bad news sobered us for a while.
spectacular [spekt?kjul?] adj. 壮观的;壮丽的;令人惊叹的:spectacular scenery.
spectator [spekspekt-] n[c]. 观看者,观众.
sunrise [s?nraiz] n.[u] 日出(时分);黎明:we got up at sunrise.
sunset [s?nset] n.[u] 日落;傍晚:every evening at sunset the flag was lowered.
sanction [s??,k??n] n[c]. 制裁,处罚:the economic sanctions have been lifted.;[u] 许可,批准.;vt. 制裁,处罚;批准:the government refused to sanction a further cut in interest rates.
sensation [sensei??n] n.[c, u] 感觉;知觉;感觉能力;直觉:he had the sensation of being watched.
stack [st?k] n[c]. 一叠,一摞,一堆:a stack of books;大量;许多:stacks of money;vt./vi. 使堆叠;堆积:to stack boxes.
stake [steik] n[c]. 桩;火刑;赌注;vt./vi. 打赌,拿…冒险:he staked £25 on the favourite.
stale [steil] adj. 不新鲜的;陈旧的;污浊的;(烟味)难闻的:stale cigarette smoke.
steak [steik] n.[c, u] 牛排;肉排:steak tartar.
stare [stε?] vi. (+at)盯着看;凝视;注视:i screamed and everyone stared at me.
steal [sti:l] vt./vi. 偷;窃取:we found out hed been stealing from us for years.
steel [sti:l] n.[u] 钢铁.
merge [m?:d?] vt./vi. 合并;吞没;使合并:the banks are set to merge next year.
emerge [im?:d?] vi. 出现;露出;暴露:no new evidence emerged during the investigation.
envision [env??(?)n] vt.(=imagine,= envisage)展望;想像:they envision an equal society, free of poverty and disease.
envisage [invizid?] vt.(=imagine,= envision)
instance [inst?ns] n[c]. 例子;事例;实例:the report highlights a number of instances of injustice.;例如;比如:for instance, if you found a member of staff stealing?
instant [ll be back in an instant.
revenue [rev?nju:, -nu:] n[c]. 收入;税收;收益:a shortfall in tax revenue.
avenue [?v?nju:] n[c]. 大街:a hotel on fifth avenue;途径;手段:several avenues are open to us.
venue [venju?] n[c]. 聚集地点;会场;比赛场所:the band will be playing at 20 different venues on their uk tour.
anticipate [?ntisipeit] vt. 预料;预期;预计:try and anticipate what the interviewers will ask.;先于…做;期盼:we eagerly anticipated the day we would leave school.
participate [pɑ:t participate in the discussion.
perspective [p?spektiv] n[c]. 态度;观点;想法:try to see the issue from a different perspective.;景观;远景:a perspective of the whole valley.
respective [rispektiv] adj. 分别的;各自的:they are each recognized specialists in their respective fields.
perceptive [p?sept?v] adj. 理解力强的;有洞察力的;思维敏捷的:a highly perceptive comment.;感觉的;知觉的:our innate perceptive abilities.
prospective [pr?uspektiv] adj. 预期的;未来的;可能的:they are worried about prospective changes in the law.
deceive [disi:v] vt. 欺骗;蒙骗;误导:her husband had been deceiving her for years.
conceive [k?nsi:v] vt. 构思;持有;以为:i cannot conceive what it must be like.;怀孕.
perceive [p?si:v] vt. 察觉,感觉:i perceived a change in his behavior.;理解;被视为:this discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough.
preserve [priz?:v] vt. 保存;保护;维持:a perfectly preserved 14th century house.
persevere [,p?:sivi?] vi. (+in/with) 坚持;孜孜以求:she persevered with her violin lessons.
reserve [r?ve reserved a room.;保留;拥有,保持:these seats are reserved for special guests.
deserve [diz?:v] vt./vi. 应受,应得:you deserve a rest after all that hard work.
obvious [d prefer not to give my name.;公认的;当然的:she was the obvious choice for the job.
observe [?bz?:v] vt./vi. 观察;注视;看到;注意到;观察到:have you observed any changes lately? vt. 说话;评论:she observed that it was getting late.
comprehension [k?mprihen??n] n.[u] 理解力;领悟能力:speech and comprehension.
comprehensive [k?mprihensiv] adj. 广泛的;综合的;详尽的:a comprehensive list of addresses.
intend [intend] vt. 打算;意指;想要:we finished later than we had intended.
intent [?ntent] adj. 专心的;急切的;坚决的:his eyes were suddenly intent.
intense [intens] adj. 强烈的;紧张的;热情的;非常的:intense heat/cold/pain.
intensive [intensiv] adj. 加强的;集中的;密集的:two weeks of intensive training.;彻底的;十分细致的:his disappearance has been the subject of intensive investigation.
intention [inten??n] n.[c, u] 打算;计划;意图;目的:i have no intention of going to the wedding.
complement [ve taken our full complement of trainees this year.;vt. 补足;补充:the excellent menu is complemented by a good wine list.
compliment [k?mplim?nt] n[c]. 赞扬;称赞;致意;问候;祝贺:my compliments to the chef.;vt. 赞美;称赞;钦佩:she complimented him on his excellent german.
implement [impliment] vt. 使生效;贯彻;执行;实施:to implement changes/decisions/policies/reforms.;n[c]. 工具,器具:agricultural implements.
comply [k?mplai] vi. (with)答应;遵守;遵从:they refused to comply with the un resolution.
imply [implai] vt. 暗示;意味;隐含:are you implying (that) i am wrong?;说明;表明:it was implied in the survey that …
paradise [p?r?da?s] n. 天堂.
paralyse [p?r?laiz] vt. (=paralyze)使瘫痪[麻痹]:she stood there, paralysed with fear.
paradigm [p?r?dim] n[c]. 典范;范例;样式:a paradigm for students to copy.
paradox [p?r?d?ks] n[c]. 似非而是的论点;悖论;自相矛盾的人/事:a well-known paradox.
orthodox [?:θ?d?ks] adj. 正统的;惯常的;传统的:orthodox medicine.
moist [m?ist] adj. 微湿的;湿润的:warm moist air.
midst [midst] n. 当中,中间:such beauty was unexpected in the midst of the city.
mist [mist] n.[常u] 薄雾;水汽:early morning mist patches will soon clear.
humid [hju:mid] adj. 潮湿的;湿润的;these ferns will grow best in a humid atmosphere.
timid [timid] adj. 羞怯的;胆怯的:he stopped in the doorway, too timid to go in.
fabric [f?brik] n.[c, u] 织物;布料:cotton fabric.;结构:a trend which threatens the very fabric of society.
fabricate [f?brikeit] vt. 编造,捏造,虚构;伪造:the evidence was totally fabricated.
intricate [intrik?t] adj. 错综复杂的:intricate patterns.
crime [kraim] n.[c, u] 犯罪活动;不法行为;罪行:to commit a crime.
prime [praim] adj. 基本的;最好的;主要的:my prime concern is to protect my property.;典型的;有代表性的:the building is a prime example of 1960s architecture.;n. 初期;青年:a young woman in her prime.;vt. 使准备好:the bomb was primed, ready to explode.
rein [rein] n[c]. 缰绳;驾驭;统治:the vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office.
reign [rein] vi. 统治;当政:queen victoria reigned from 1837 to 1901.;成为最佳;盛行:at last silence reigned.;n. 统治时期;支配:during the reign of charles ii.
resign [rizain] vt./vi. 辞职;放弃:he resigned as manager after eight years.;听任;顺从:she resigned herself to her fate.
whisper [hwisp?] vt./vi. 耳语;低语;私语;小声说:she leaned over and whispered something in his ear.;n[c]. 耳语(声);低语(声):they spoke in whispers.
whisker [w?sk?] n[c]. 胡须;腮须.
whisky [hwiski] n.[c, u] 威士忌酒.
longitude [l?nd?itju:d, -tu:d] n.经度.
latitude [l?titju:d, -tu:d] n.纬度.
altitude [?ltitju:d, -tu:d] n.高度,海拔.
altitude [?ltitju:d, -tu:d] n.高度,海拔.
attitude [?titju:d, -tu:d] n[c]. 态度;看法:to have a good/bad/positive/negative attitude towards sb/sth.
aptitude [?pt?tju?d, -tu:d] n.[c, u] 天资;天生的才能;天赋:she showed a natural aptitude for the work.
delegate [deliɡ?t] n[c]. 代表;会议代表:the conference was attended by delegates from 56 countries.;vt. 任命;委派…为代表:the job had to be delegated to an assistant.
delicate [delik?t] adj. 微妙的;易碎的:the eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body.;虚弱的;纤弱的:a delicate child/constitution;纤细的;微小的;精美的;精密的:the delicate mechanisms of a clock.;熟练的:i admired your delicate handling of the situation.;清淡的.
dedicate [dedikeit] vt. 致力;献身:she dedicates herself to her work.
couch [kaut?] n[c]. 长沙发;卧榻;诊察台:on the psychiatrists couch.
crouch [kra?t?] vi. 蹲下;蹲伏:he crouched down beside her.
crunch [kr?n(t)?] n[c]. 压碎声;碎裂声:the crunch of feet on snow.;vt./vi. 压碎;嘎吱作响:the snow crunched under our feet.
pedal [t reach the pedals on her bike.;vt./vi. 骑自行车;踩踏板:he jumped on his bike and pedaled off.
paddle [p?dl] n[c]. 桨;船桨;桨状部分.;vt./vi. 用桨划船;蹚水:we paddled downstream for about a mile.
spontaneous [sp?nteini?s] adj. 自发的;自然的:the audience burst into spontaneous applause.
simultaneous [,sim?lteini?s] adj. 同时发生的;同步的:simultaneous translation/interpreting.
instantaneous [,inst?nteinj?s] adj. 立即的;立刻的;瞬间的:an instantaneous response.
solidarity [,s?lid?riti] n. 团结:community solidarity.
solidify [s?s top band.
solitary [s?lit?ri] adj. 独自的;仅有的;单独的:a solitary farm.
dumb [d?m] adj. 哑的;不能说话的:she was born deaf and dumb.;一时语塞的:we were all struck dumb with amazement.;愚蠢的;傻的;笨的:that was a pretty dumb thing to do.
dump [d?mp] vt. 倾倒;倾卸;丢下;抛弃:the dead body was just dumped by the roadside.;n[c]. 垃圾场;废物堆:a toxic/nuclear waste dump.
numb [n?m] adj. 麻木的;失去知觉的:he felt numb with shock.;vt. 使麻木:his fingers were numbed with the cold.
correspond [,k?:risp?nd] vi. 相一致;符合:your account and hers do not correspond.;(+to)类似于;相当于:the british job of lecturer corresponds roughly to the us associate professor.
correspondence [,k?:risp?nd?ns] n.[常u] 信件;书信;通信:we have been in correspondence for months.;[c, u] 相关;相似:there is a close correspondence between the two extracts.
correspondent [,k?:risp?nd?nt] n[c]. 记者;通讯员:a foreign/war/sports correspondent.
corresponding [,k?:risp?ndi?] adj. 符合的;相应的;相关的:give each picture a number corresponding to its position on the page.
external [ikst?:n?l] adj. 外部的;表面的;外来的;外面的:the external walls of the building.
eternal [it?:n?l] adj. 永恒的;不朽的:the eternal glory.
diary [ll make a note of our next meeting in my diary.
dairy [dε?ri] n[c]. 乳品店;adj. 牛奶的;牛奶制的;乳品的:dairy products/produce.
consist [k?nsist] vi. (+of)组成, 构成:the committee consists of ten members.;(+in)存在于;在于:the beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.
persist [p?zist] vt./vi. 坚持;执著地做:she persisted in her search for the truth.;维持;保持;持续存在:if the symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
resist [rizist] vt./vi. 抵制;阻挡;回击;抵抗:he tried to pin me down, but i resisted.
insist [insist] vt./vi. 坚持,强调:he insisted on his innocence.
sympathy [s all her own fault.;赞同;支持.
symphony [s fifth symphony.
symptom [simpt?m] n[c]. 征兆;症状:flu symptoms.
propose [pr?up?uz] vt. 提议;建议:she proposed that the book be banned.;打算;计划:what do you propose to do now?
purpose [s main purpose is to raise money.
suppose [s?p?uz] vt./vi. 认为,推断,料想:prices will go up, i suppose.;假定;假设;设想:the theory supposes the existence of life on other planets.
oppose [?p?uz] vt./vi. 反对;使相对:i would oppose changing the law.
assume [?s welfare.
resume [rizju:m] vt./vi. 重新开始;(中断后)继续:to resume talks/negotiations.;n. 摘要;简历.
presume [prizju:m] vt. 假定;设想;推测:i presumed (that) he understood the rules.
consume [k?nsju:m] vt. 消耗,耗费:the electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.;烧毁;毁灭:the hotel was quickly consumed by fire.
conform [k?nf?:m] vi. (+to/with) 顺应;遵照;遵守:the building does not conform with safety regulations.;相一致;相符合:it did not conform to the usual stereotype of an industrial city.
confirm [k?nf?:m] vt. 确认;批准;证实;确定:can you confirm what happened?
confine [k?nk?nfain] vt. 限制;限定:the work will not be confined to the glasgow area.;监禁;禁闭.
confront [k?nfr?nt] vt. 遭遇;面临:the economic problems confronting the country.;处理,解决:she knew that she had to confront her fears.;面对;对抗:this was the first time he had confronted an armed robber.
handy [h?ndi] adj. 手边的,就近的;便利的:have you got a pen handy?;易使用的;容易做的:a handy little tool.
handful [h?ndful] n[c]. 一把(的量):a handful of rice;少数:only a handful of people came.
subsidiary [s?bs?d??r?] adj. 辅助的;附带的;次要的:subsidiary information.
subsidy [s?bsidi] n[c, u]. 津贴;补助金;补贴:agricultural subsidies.
grand [ɡr?nd] adj. 宏伟的;豪华的;极重要的:the wedding was a very grand occasion.;极好的;快乐的;美妙的:i had a grand day out at the seaside.
grant [ɡrɑ:nt, ɡr?nt] vt. 同意,准予,允许:my request was granted.;承认,同意:i grant you (that) it looks good, but its not exactly practical.;n[c]. 补助金,助学金;津贴:student grants.
aggregate [?gr?g?t] n[c]. 总数;合计:they won 4–2 on aggregate.
aggravate [?ɡr?veit] vt. 使严重;使恶化:pollution can aggravate asthma.
staff [stɑ:f, st?f] n[c, u]. 全体职工;管理人员,行政人员:students, faculty and staff.
stiff [stif] adj. 僵硬的;坚硬的:a stiff brush.;艰难的:it’s a stiff climb to the top of the hill.;严厉的;激烈的:the new proposals have met with stiff opposition.;不友好的;生硬的:the speech he made to welcome them was stiff.;adv. 非常;极其:be bored/scared/worried stiff.
stuff [st?f] n.[u] 材料;东西:the chairs were covered in some sort of plastic stuff.;基本特征;特质;根本;基础;原料:letre made of.;vt. 填满;装满;把…塞进:she stuffed the money under a cushion.
distinct [disti?kt] adj. 清晰的;清楚的;明白的:there was a distinct smell of gas.;截然不同的;有区别的;不同种类的:the results of the survey fell into two distinct groups.;确实的;确切的:being tall gave tony a distinct advantage.
extinct [iksti?kt] adj. 灭绝的,绝种的:an extinct species;熄灭的;消亡的:servants are now almost extinct in modern society.
instinct [insti?kt] n[c]. 本能,直觉;天性:his first instinct was to run away.